KNSFHP 1139.11 (1 credit)
This rock climbing course is for the individual with little to no rock climbing experience. We will cover most of the foundational information to participate in a top-rope rock climbing trip, including, knots, techniques, & how to select and use the proper equipment. The course does include a true outdoor rock climbing day trip (Weather permitting!)
- All class sessions are mandatory. Any student not attending the first class session of a course will be dropped from the class and replaced by others that are on the waiting list and in attendance of the class. Each student is responsible for adding or dropping any courses with their college.
- Class room session times, locations, dates, trip dates, and fees are subject to change. There will be no refund of deposit or trip fee if this is required. A current Ohio State e-mail address will be used to contact all students enrolled in a class for notification of any changes.
- None
Equipment (students must purchase for class):
- Students are expected to have personal clothing good at wicking away moisture (think Dri-Fit or Under Armour type clothing). More details will be provided via a packing list
- Rock-climbing and camping specific equipment (harness, rope, shoes, belay devices, stoves, tents, sleeping bags, etc) are all provided with the course fee.
- All classes require an additional trip / activity fee. All trip / activity fees must be paid in full by the end of the first class session. Fees not paid by this time will require a $10 late fee.
What You Will Learn:
- How to tie the standard climbing knot, the figure-8 follow-through.
- How to tope-rope belay using a GRIGRI and ATC.
- Different types of climbing and climbing terminology.
- Risks involved in rock climbing and site management.
- How to follow proper etiquette while at the rock-climbing crag.
What To Expect:
- This course involves one classroom session and 2.5 full days of off-campus rock-climbing. This is a front-country trip: Trip members will have access to running water, bathrooms, and other modern amenities.
- You select which weekend works best for you based on the section you enroll in. Transportation is provided. Trips depart Friday afternoon and institutional excuses for missed classes Friday are not provided. Most trips return to campus by 8 pm on Sunday at the latest. Some trips occur during holidays and academic breaks and may last more than a weekend.
- Experienced trip leaders, with specialized wilderness first aid training, will support you while in the field and actively teach how to thrive while climbing. For example, instructors will teach you how to belay and set up a tent; they will not do everything for you. It is expected that students work together as a group and be supportive of each other while following instructions from instructors.
- Food is provided and all meals can accommodate any special needs (allergies, vegan, etc). Food is healthy and hearty and typically exceeds expectations (you won’t be eating Pop Tarts and PB&J!).
- Rock-climbing is ranked Difficulty Level: 3 out of 5 For details & tips for preparing for the trip please reference OAC Physical Challenge Scale. Accommodations can be made for all abilities and persons with disabilities are encouraged to contact the instructor for specific opportunities to participate.
Potential Benefits:
- Climbing is a full body work-out that engages both your mind and your muscles; it increases strength and grip.
- Climbing improves balance due to use of auxiliary muscle groups needed for climbing.
- Climbing is like a puzzle, is engages the problem-solving centers of the brain while relying on spatial awareness of one’s body.
- Climbing provides a sense of community, climbers are social and often support each other; it’s a unique community.
- Climbing allows you to explore, most climbing crags are in beautiful destinations and being able to climb allows you to experience nature in a unique way.
- Climbing boosts confidence, it requires grit and perseverance, completing some routes gives you a sense of accomplishment, like finishing a marathon.
- Being physically active and spending time in nature are both associated with lower stress levels, mood and concentration improvement.
Fun Facts:
Red River Gorge, where most climbing trips visit, is a premier climbing destination in the Eastern United States and is only four hours from Columbus.
Sport climbing made its Olympic debut at the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Japan (Source)