KNSFHP 1147 (2 credits)
- None
What you will learn:
- How being fit and healthy can improve your quality of life
- Principles of physical fitness
- Cardio-respiratory endurance
- Muscular strength endurance
- Low back health
- Body composition
- Nutrition
- Weight management
- Stress management
- Cardiovascular health
What to expect:
- You will create a complete fitness program for yourself
- If course is taken online, study requires discipline and accountability
Potential Benefits:
- Fitness and wellness can become a habit – a way of life
- You know how to design your own workout program
- You have confidence because you know what you’re doing when you work out
Fun facts:
- On average, it takes about 12 weeks after beginning to exercise to see measurable changes in your body.
- No matter how poor your current level of fitness, you can start an exercise routine and become fitter and healthier at any time.
- Walking at a fast pace burns almost as many calories as jogging for the same distance.
- Muscle is about three times more efficient at burning calories than fat, even when at rest.
- You should always breathe correctly when exercising. It is said that underwater swimming is the only time you should hold your breath during physical activity.
- Exercise is more effective at increasing your energy levels than caffeine.