Today, we would like to feature Jordan Studer, a junior who is a part of our college’s Family and Consumer Sciences Education program. Jordan was elected to be featured by her Yoga instructor, Elaine Torrie, because “[Jordan] pays close attention, is adept at learning nuances and has an eager to learn attitude.” In addition, Elaine frequently uses Jordan to help demonstrate poses because she “has a knack for finding the alignment in her body.”
Jordan’s first course with the Sport, Fitness, and Health Program was last semester when she first enrolled in Yoga 1. She registered for the course looking for something to do with her extra time and subsequently fell in love with the class. The focus on wellness between mind, body, and emotion/spirit was a huge draw for her. The wellness portion resonated with her because prior to taking our class, Jordan was a Sport and Wellness Scholar as well as a wellness coach.
Beyond the wellness component, yoga provided Jordan with an opportunity to connect with herself and her faith. Our course gave her the resources she needed to better connect with and manage her feelings. It also gave her a chance to reflect and be at peace with herself and the world around her. Because of her positive experience in Yoga 1, Jordan continued onto our Yoga 2 class this semester to gain a deeper knowledge of the activity and refine her skills.
It is our hope that Jordan will continue to benefit from the techniques learned here long after the class ends. We were thrilled to have the opportunity to sit down with her and talk about her experiences. We wish Jordan the very best in her last semester here at Ohio State and the best of luck in her future beyond.